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OZZ – Grand Rapids

Tom Jones (Keyboards)
Rich Bacans (Guitar)
Scott Hock (RIP) (Bass)
Jeff Galas (RIP) (Drums)

Started at Brass Monkey – the band had originally been Ashes to Wind with Mike Romanowski on bass and Jeff Pierce on drums.
Changed Bavarian in from country for Ronnie Frey to Rock n Roll. Played Michigan club circuit with home base at Bavarian. Played the Creek in Big Rapids, Harbor Inn – Grand Haven every year during Coast Guard Festival.

Went thru lots of players:
Bass was originally Romanowski, then replaced by Bill Moore (Juniper) and the Hock – Vic Amato)

Jack Meyers temporarily replaced Jeff Galas while recovering from motorcycle accident.

Fred Galas then replaced Tom Jones on keyboards.

Scott VanderArk replaced Rich Bacans

From there I don’t know who or how many musicians were replaced.

after Fred Galas replaced Tom Jones of Keyboards.

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